from lima, we moved onto Cuzco, located in the high country one hours flight south east. Straight away it hit us, altitude sickness. Makes you feel like the morning after one too many beers. And we considered ourselves pretty fit from all the hiking we have done, but in Cuzco, even a flight of stairs was a tough ask.
The city itself, is pretty nice... but very touristy, and everyone has one thing on their mind...Maccu Piccu. We found one guy who potentially might not rip us off and found our way in a van for the 6 hour journey... after still feeling like rubbish from the altitude a hike to 5000m was out of the question.
After a quick hike we reached, one of the most touristy places on the planet, Aguas Calientes at the base of MP.
We woke up at 4pm with dreams of seeing the most amazing view possible at sunrise with no tourists, instead we were greeted with rain and tourists. The kind of rain that somehow leaks into your soul and freezes to the core, taking with it any energy that you may have got from 5 hours sleep. The kind of crowds of tourists that makes this magical place seem bit, well, used. So after 1hr on the mountain of shivering through the tour we decided to race back down to AC and regroup.
whilst making for low comfort and viewing levels, the clouds did give us some pretty cool photos you won't see in the guidebooks.
After a hearty meal and shower and whilst keeping one eye on the weather, we decided that after hauling ass to the other side of the world we were going to see this thing.
And we were, amazed. Just as we got there, the heavens parted and we got to see the pure scale of the thing and at that point we understood why Maccu Piccu is truly a wonder of the world. Being later in the day also meant that the hordes of tourists had cleared out due to the busses finishing in the mid arvo, leaving only the hard-core people prepared to walk down some stairs back to AC.
We then moved on to lake Titicaca, which allowed us to take in the sacred valley once more. Some truly amazing scenery